![]() For years I've struggled with sticking to the same spiritual discipline for more than a few months, weeks...okay, even a few days...at a time. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, I am an ENFP. One thing that means is, I enjoy spontaneity and crave variety (that's also a nice way to say that I have a really difficult time sticking with the "same thing" for a long period of time). The positive side of this aspect of my personality is that I've explored a variety of ways of praying. And, I've discovered that each one speaks to me in a different way. One fairly consistent aspect of my prayer life includes using scripture as a launching point for talking with God. This summer I began using the Common English Bible for Daily Prayer and I love it! The Bible incorporates a weekly list of scripture for reflection as well as a variety of ways to pray (spiritual disciplines) for each day of the week. As I've begun praying the scripture and purposely varying the ways I interact with God's word each day, I've been reminded that the variety in my prayer life is not a negative trait at all. Varying the ways I talk with God brings life to the scriptures and to my ability to hear God speak back into my life. My perceived weakness is actually a strength. Sound familiar (2 Cor. 12:9-10)? In talking with others, I have found that I'm not the only one that struggles with sticking with a discipline and that many of us simply need to be encouraged to try new ways to pray. So, as we move from Summer into Fall (I know it's still hot outside but kids start school next week here in Tennessee and I'm looking forward to cooler temps), I'll be sharing a short list of scriptures and highlighting a different way to pray through them. This is not Bible study and you will not find any answers. This is simply an invitation to journey with God's word. Listen for how God may be speaking to you through the scriptures as we pray them together in the weeks to come. I look forward to hearing God speak into your life as we journey with the ancient text of the Bible. You'll find the scriptures shared here at the blog and on social media. This week, we're starting with one thing I know is already in your tool kit - you have it everywhere you go. We're starting with YOUR body. Some ideas for Praying the Scriptures with YOUR body this week: If reading scripture for reflection (rather than for study) is a new practice for you, you may wish to select one passage and "sit with it" all week. After you read, select one or more ways to pray with your body:
What is God saying to you this week as you pray the scriptures? How does your body feel as you reflect? Does the scripture you are praying bring you comfort or are you struggling in your body - head, heart, or elsewhere? What does the scripture evoke in you? Will you join me? Follow along on social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook) for updates and subscribe with the form below to receive email updates! If you subscribe via email, you'll be invited to an online hangout mid-way through our journey together as well as receive a few other perks I won't be posting on the blog (it's going to be fun!). No expectations, just an invitation. If you've read this far, I hope you'll join me as we pray God's word together. Exploring a variety of ways to pray are ahead! Comments are closed.
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Whitney R. Simpson Exploring Peace Ministries, LLC |