For some time now, God has been nudging me to write more often. In addition to this blog space, I post updates on a family blog and in my private journal during my devotion time. I realize we are not all writers. And, I am far from being a fantastic writer. But, what I'm finding is that the more I write, the more right it feels. Writing for me is a great tool for processing and sharing information.
In my coursework, I've been reading a book about writing for your health. The author discusses how vital writing is for our minds and bodies to process what is in our head. He has a program that works with end of life cancer patients and others to write their stories. The act of physically putting words on paper, helps our minds process and better understand what we may be feeling. While these patients may or may not be healed physically while on this earth, the process of writing is helping many of them find healing emotionally and spiritually. Did you know that writing with a pencil or pen is actually more honest and true to ourselves than typing our words? We can easily backspace and edit on a keyboard and I can go much faster here than when writing in my journal. But, I think the point is that writing down what is on our hearts and minds, whether in a private space (like a journal) or public space (like a blog) can help us heal, if we let it. And, when we share our true selves and show the process of healing, it encourages others to do the same. So, write something down. It may just feel right for your body, your mind and your spirit. |
Whitney R. SimpsonClick to connect: Categories
Content @ 2010-2023
Whitney R. Simpson Exploring Peace Ministries, LLC |