My word this year is ENJOY. How is it mid-March and I'm only just now sharing this with you here at the blog? Oh, maybe that's because I haven't been at the blog! I've been creating audio soul care resources for you in our new community (which I am truly ENJOYing!). Anyway, back to the point, I think by mid-March many of us have forgotten the word that chose us (or sometimes that was chosen by us) for the current year. And trust me, this year has not been without bumps and challenges. ENJOY could easily have been forgotten. Yet ENJOY is getting closer rather than further away amidst those challenges. Do you have a word for 2018? How's it going for you? This year, I've committed to ENJOY the opportunities God places before me as a choice. This does not mean everything happens with a smile on my face (if you lived in my household, you know I master the "eye roll" on occasion). Yet when I choose to change my attitude and ENJOY something, it's amazing how much shifts in my body and in my soul. This invitation is a simple shift in attitude regarding so much for me - time management, laundry, finances, teaching, loving and living in my body....oh this is not an easy task. Yes, God has called me to ENJOY what is before me yet that does not come without sacrifices and plenty of lessons learned. For starters, I am not good at letting go, I'm getting better but I'm not good at this practice. Did you know it's impossible to ENJOY life and maintain control? I truly believe you can only fully participate with God in life if you're willing to release the outcome (control). And to take pleasure or satisfaction in something is to ENJOY, according to the dictionary. This word invites a spiritual practice for me of being present in all that I do with God and with others. ENJOY invites me to let go in both the highs and the lows. ENJOY is asking me to lighten up in some ways (nail polish anyone?!) and dive-in deep in others (let's End Slavery in our community!). This word invites me to ENJOY the opportunities to use my voice, face challenges head-on, and savor joys and celebrations of this life with God. For someone like me (a person who often struggles with performance/perfectionism/striving, what you think of me/my choices/my call, or even how quickly I respond to your emails when you have a question or concern), ENJOY can be a hard word to embrace at times. It would be easy to let go of ENJOY by mid-March. Yet this is a pilgrimage song! A song I will sing all year, even as it gets harder and the chorus changes. Do you have a word for 2018? What are you learning as you practice your word? Psalm 126 Comments are closed.
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Whitney R. Simpson Exploring Peace Ministries, LLC |